Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I posted a lot of wildflowers in my last post and I have a few more I would like to share with you.
But before I do that, let me show you some of the wildlife here at the Marin Headlands. I am really not a wildlife photographer, but one of the things I love doing here is to put a long lens on my camera and go hunting for wildlife. I mean you really can't mess it up.

The Harbor Seals are one of the first animals I saw. They have there pups here on the coast, and when they are not hunting for food they lay on the rocks to sun themselves. No matter what lens you use. They still look like big blobs on a rock.

See what I mean, big blobs on a rock. They are protected and don't seam to have many enemies here in the cove just west of the Golden Gate Bridge.

I'm sure they make a tasty meal for the many sharks and orcas just outside the Golden Gate.

Well before I go on with the wildlife, Bob wants to make sure I tell you, how much he loves

to stop and smell the flowers. He even likes to drive into the hills and just sit and enjoy. In the photo below, Bob was so into his surroundings, he didn't even see me when I took this photo.

Enough about Bob, lets get back to the wildlife I've encountered since I got here. First there were coyotes. When I first got here I would see them all the time, now I never see them. I guess their on vacation.

All the times I have seen coyotes, this is the only decent shot I could get.

The Bobcat were a different story, when I first got here I never saw them. then for some reason they started showing up every where I looked. These are just a few of my Bobcat shots.

From what I have seen, these cats don't really fear people that much but they don't want to hang out with us either.

About three weeks ago a little girl about 6 years old, came into the Visitor Center and ask us,"do you kill those birds so you can stuff them"? So I told her of course not, "we kill them so we can eat them". JUST KIDDING!!!.

Before I close, let me show the shots I got of a Jack Rabbit, which is really know big deal, it's just that I had never seen one before. I couldn't get over how big they are, and what big ears they have.

After two months of hearing this guy up in the trees, I finally got a shot of him. Its the Great Horn Owl.

Well, that's about it from the Headlands on Golden Gate Nations Park, but there will be more from Bob and Me soon.

Gary Burnett Sr.

Sorry, no photo of Bob. It's 12am and he's sleeping.

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