Saturday, December 10, 2011


Well, the time has come for Bob and Me to be moving on.

We left the Golden Gate National Recreation Area on the 21st of November. I didn't have to be at the Grand Canyon until December 1st, I just wanted to take some time and be by myself for awhile.
Now I have to tell you, the young men and woman that I lived with in that dorm (all 25 of them)
were one of the most amazing group of folks I ever had the pleasure of associating with. I lived there for 10 months and had the time of my life.

I Really didn't realize how ready I was to leave the dorm until I spent my first night alone at the Super8 Motel in Santa Cruz, CA. I had a TV (that I controlled),a big bed and quiet. You know,
that alone quiet, when you can just lay on the bed and think, with no distractions. I have to admit, it was wonderful.

That's not to say that I won't miss the great volunteers I worked with, like my good bud Drew Van Winkle and the the terrific staff of Rangers.

Bob had to take one last look from high on the hills. Bob wanted to see the dorm the Lagoon and
the Ocean before we left.

Even though it only takes about 14 hours to drive from San Francisco to the Grand Canyon, I decided to take my time and enjoy the time to myself. It took Bob and Me about 4 days to complete the trip and of course I stopped to take photos along the way. Not a lot but enough to keep it interesting.

These shots were taken on the 17 Mile Drive in Monterrey, CA.. It cost $9.50 to drive on this section of Hwy 1 but it is worth it. In fact I paid twice, because the first day I went through, it rained, so I got a room for the night and paid another $9.50 the next day.

For some reason they call this Bird Rock, but all I see are Seals and Sea Lions.
This guy reminded me of my older brother Jim. Not really into crowds.

Here is the Lone Cypress, one of the most famous and most photographed trees in the world.
Why?... I don't have a clue.

This is why I love driving on the California Coast, I love watching the surf.

I made one last two day stop before I checked in with my new boss,Libby Schaaf at the Grand Canyon. I stopped in Williams, AZ on Historic Route 66. A small western town about 65 miles south of the Canyon.

This old Diner didn't look like much from the outside, in fact I wasn't sure if I wanted to try it at all.

If you ever get to Williams, you have to stop, it really takes you back in time and the food is great.
The service is good and you meet some of the nicest people. She didn't talk much, but she was pretty hot.

After you have your breakfast, lunch or dinner, leave the car in the parking lot and take a stroll
though town and enjoy the sites.

I know you'll have a good time.

OK... that enough about the road trip, I'm headed for the Grand Canyon in the morning so I'll say good night.
You'll hear from Bob and Me when we get there....

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